Tuesday, April 23, 2013

This is the best soccer player in te world right now. He could be even the best ever. He is a really huge role modle and i look up to this gut and i try to be just like him when i go out on the field.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The soccer cleat the players best weapon. Cleats are what help you dribble down the field and give you the chance to shot the perfect goal. Your feet are everything in the game of soccer, so you will need to get cleats that make your feet feel good.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Teamates are the best thing you can ask for on a soccer team. I mean on our soccer team its like everyones family. No one one dislikes eachother and everyone can joke around with eachother. Temates are just the best people to be around, people to relate to.
The best feeling in the game of soccer, is scoring that winning goal and your temates are cherring and the crowd is screaming that is truly the best feeling. you know that you have done something good to get your team in the lead.

The soccer field where there is fresh cut grass and, were accompishments ar made. I mean there has been great things have happend on a soccer field like records and the best goals. Steping on a field could possibly be the best feeling.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I really like the game of soccer. It just shows why it is the number one sport in the world. I wouldnt be much without it. Whats great anout it is you meet diffrent people and you are able to make more friends. Which is great!